Trading Pals 2023
These are some fun creations I made to trade with others at festivals. I'm not a huge jewelry person so wearing kandi isn't my cup of tea, but I still wanted to participate so I started making these guys!

Party Camel
A colorfully painted camel with two arms coming from his humps. He's here to party, and is always on the lookout for a good time.
A really long cat. They will guard their keep, and just relax and bring in some good vibes.

A little snake woman. She can be anxious at times, but will always make sure you are on schedule for optimum fun time.
She's just here to hang. Although you do need to be mindful of her spitfire attitude. She not afraid to give a good tongue lashing if need be.

Just a simple mermaid gal. She will look on in disappointment, if deserved.
A contemplative man, Barry is. He's longing for his twin Larry (Who I havn't finished yet). One day, they may be reunited.

Reginald (Reggie)
Dapper could be his middle name. He's paid his bills, and his bills are paid. This man is a certified CPA.
Ayo what's up ? Its's ya boy Chad, Chadwick, Chadster. He's a southern lad, who takes himself a little too seriously.

Horace doesn't know where he is.
Tentacle Bear
A black bear with two tentacles for front legs. Besides being mutated, he's just your typical everyday bear. He likes running through the forest, catching fish, and indoctrinating other animals and humans into the hive mind.

L'il Doll
L'il Doll is a bit younger and hasn't quite left her scene phase yet. However, she is always down to party with friends as long as adults aren't around to crash.
A silly fellow. Using his large flower he attracts birds, which he then catches and adds to his farm. He really likes eggs.

Billy Bo Bob
This whipper snapper learned from his father and fathers before him, to buy gold and burry it. You never know when the government is going to come crashing down next.
A gentle soul

PATRICIA has to have her name screamed, I'm sorry that's just the rules. She is a great dancer.
Disco-neck Merlin
This funky dude, opened his brain up so that he could absorb the sound waves from raves directly.